

郑明,男,安徽马鞍山人,无党派人士,工学博士,研究员日本学术振兴会特别研究员(jsps fellow),国际先进材料协会会士(iaam fellow,江苏省“双创博士”,江苏省“科技副总”中国矿业大学“高端人才计划”优秀青年学者。长期从事无机功能材料(外延薄膜、陶瓷)的制备、物性(多铁、铁电、铁磁、发光、储能、光电等)及器件应用(存储、传感、显示等)研究。先后承担jsps特别研究员基金、国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金等多项项目。目前在nano energynpg asia mater.acs appl. mater. interfacesnanoscalej. mater. chem. cadv. electron. mater.appl. phys. lett. 9篇),phys. rev. applied 3篇)以及phys. rev. b等材料与物理领域国际知名期刊发表sci论文50篇。受邀在中国材料大会2021materials oceania 2021等重要国内外会议上作特邀报告。担任电子信息材料与器件专家委员会常务委员,江苏省和徐州市科技咨询专家库成员,学术桥评审专家库成员,journal of advanced ceramicsif16.9)期刊编委,以及adv. mater.adv. funct. mater.apl国际sci期刊评审专家。










  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持。

  2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目主持。

  3. 江苏省双创博士项目,主持。

  4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目,主持。

  5. 日本学术振兴会(jsps)外国人特别研究员基金项目,主持。

代表性论文 (* 通讯作者):

  1. j. yang, x. zhu, h. wang, y. zhang, p. guan, s. yan, and m. zheng*, achieving outstanding energy storage behaviors via combinatorial optimization design in bnt-based relaxor ferroelectric ceramics under medium-low electric fields, j. mater. chem. c (2024).

  2. j. yang, p. guan, y. zhang, x. zhu, h. wang, c. yang, and m. zheng*, high energy storage density achieved in bnt-based ferroelectric translucent ceramics under low electric fields, j. am. ceram. soc.accepted (2024)

  3. p. guan, y. zhang, j. yang, and m. zheng*, effect of sm3  doping on ferroelectric, energy storage and photoluminescence properties of batio3 ceramics, ceram. int. 49, 11796-11802 (2023).

  4. m. zheng*, p. guan, j. yang, and y. zhang, microstructure and composition driven ferroelectric properties of er3  doped lead-free multifunctional 0.94bi0.5na0.5tio3-0.06batio3 ceramics, ceram. int. 49, 30481-30489(2023).

  5. m. zheng*, and p. guan, coupled straintronic-optoelectronic effect in mott oxide films, nanoscale 14, 5545 (2022).

  6. m. zheng*, p. guan, y. qi, and l. guo, straintronic effect on electronic transport and metal-insulator transition in correlated metal films by electric field, appl. phys. lett. 120, 161603 (2022).

  7. m. zheng*, p. guan, x. ji, and l. guo, combined ferroelastic and optical control of electronic transport in mott-oxide–ferroelectric heterostructures, phys. rev. applied 17, 014027 (2022).

  8. m. zheng*, p. guan, and h. fan, mechanically enhanced magnetism in flexible semitransparent cufe2o4/mica epitaxial heterostructures, appl. surf. sci. 584, 152586 (2022).

  9. m. zheng*, p. guan, y. qi, z. tang, h. ni, and j. gao, tuning the phase separation, charge ordering and electronic transport in electron-doped manganite films by piezo-strain and magnetic field, adv. electron. mater.7, 2100603 (2021).

  10. m. zheng*, t. usami, and t. taniyama*, shear-strain-mediated large nonvolatile tuning of ferromagnetic resonance by an electric field in multiferroic heterostructures, npg asia mater. 13, 7 (2021). (feature article)




