夏辉,男,博士,教授;兼任教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心通讯评审专家,全国高等学校热学课程教学研究会常务理事; 科研方面:目前主要从事非平衡态临界动力学、表面生长动力学、复杂动力系统等方向的理论研究工作;先后在美国明尼苏达大学(2008.7-8), 清华大学(2012.9-2013.8)和德国奥登堡大学(2016.3-2017.2)做访问学者;近年来在国内外学术刊物公开发表sci论文60余篇;教学方面:主要承担《热学》、《热力学与统计物理》、《计算物理》、《大学物理》等面向物理学类本科生、研究生以及全校本科生的基础课和专业主干课程。
1. 国家自然科学基金资助项目(2013.1-2015.12), 分数阶随机动力学生长过程的非局域效应研究(11247029), 主持;
2. 学科前沿科学研究专项基金(2015.9-2018.12), 复杂动力系统的圈图展开收敛性和对称性约化 (2015xkms078), 主持;
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金 (2010.9-2013.9), 分数阶生长模型的非局域性和记忆效应研究(2010lkwl04), 主持;
4. 中国矿业大学校青年基金资助项目(2009.1-2011.12),连续性动力学生长方程的奇异标度性质研究(2008a035) , 主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金资助项目(2006.12-2008.12),表面界面粗糙生长异常动力学标度性质的理论研究(10674177), 主要成员;
6. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目,表面界面粗化生长动力学的自洽模耦合理论(教外司留200318), 主要成员;
7. 教育部高等学校物理学类专业教学指导委员会计算物理课程教学研究项目(jzw-15-jw-01, 2015.8-2017.7), 主持;
8. 中国矿业大学校级教育教学与改革项目(2014yb37, 2014.6-2016.5), 主持;
9. 教育部高等学校物理学类专业教学指导委员会计算物理课程教学研究项目(jzw-21-jw-05, 2021.8-2023.7), 主持;
[26] yongxin wu (19级本科生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), pinning-depinning transitions in two classes of discrete elastic-string models in (2 1)-dimensions, arxiv: 2205.07355 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
[25] zhichao chang (19级本科生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), probability distributions for kinetic roughening in the kardar-parisi-zhang growth with long-range temporal and spatial correlations, arxiv: 2205.08483 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
[24] chuan wang (18级本科生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), numerical evidences on persisting surface roughness when deposition stops, journal of statistical mechanics 2022, 013202 (2022). (sci, jcr q1区)
[23] xinyu lu(18级本科生), dapeng hao and hui xia* (通讯作者), kinetic roughening in the nonlocal kardar–parisi–zhang growth: pseudospectral versus finite difference schemes, physica a 603,127819 (2022). (sci)
[22] xiongpeng hu (17级本科生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), pseudospectral versus finite difference schemes for the kardar-parisi-zhang equation with long-range temporally correlated noise, arxiv: 2105.13528 [cond-mat.stat-mech].
[21] tianshu song (研究生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), kinetic roughening and nontrivial scaling in the kardar-parisi-zhang growth with long-range temporal correlations, journal of statistical mechanics 2021, 073203 (2021). (sci, jcr q1区)
[20] bin li (17级本科生), zihao tan (18级本科生), yang jiao, and hui xia* (通讯作者), universality in a class of the modified villain-lai-das sarma equation, journal of statistical mechanics 2021, 023210 (2021). (sci, jcr q1区)
[19] tianshu song (研究生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), extensive numerical simulations of surface growth with temporally correlated noise, physical review e 103, 012121 (2021). (sci, jcr q1区)
[18] hui xia*, gang tang, and yueheng lan, long-range temporal correlations in kinetic roughening, journal of statistical physics, 178, 800(2020). (sci)
[17] tianshu song (研究生) and hui xia*(通讯作者) , difference in the dynamics of logistic maps, international journal of modern physics b 33, 1950226(2019). (sci)
[16] hui xia*, gang tang*, and yueheng lan*, numerical analysis of long-range spatial correlations in surface growth, physical review e 94, 062121 (2016). (sci, jcr q1区)
[15] tianshu song (本科生) and hui xia* (通讯作者), long-range temporal correlations in the kardar-parisi-zhang growth: numerical simulations, journal of statistical mechanics 2016, 113206 (2016). (sci, jcr q1区)
[14] zhipeng xun*, hui xia* (通讯作者), ling wu, lijian song, zhe zhang, dapeng hao and gang tang, a fractal langevin equation describing the kinetic roughening growth on fractal lattices, journal of statistical mechanics 2015, p08016 (2015). (sci, jcr q1区)
[13] hui xia*, gang tang, and yueheng lan, nonuniversality of critical exponents in a fractional quenched kardar-parisi-zhang equation, journal of statistical physics 154, 1228 (2014). (sci)
[12] hui xia*, gang tang, zhipeng xun, and dapeng hao, numerical evidence for anomalous dynamic scaling in conserved surface growth, surface science 607, 138 (2013). (sci)
[11] jingjie ma (研究生), hui xia* (通讯作者), and gang tang, dynamic scaling behavior of the space-fractional stochastic growth equation with correlated noise, acta physica sinica 62, 020501 (2013). (sci)
[10] hui xia*, gang tang, dapeng hao, and zhipeng xun, dynamics of surface roughening in the space-fractional kardar-parisi-zhang growth: numerical results, journal of physics a 45, 295001 (2012). (sci, jcr q1区)
[9] hui xia*, gang tang, dapeng hao, and zhipeng xun, depinning transition in disorder media: a fractional approach, european physical journal b 85, 315 (2012). (sci)
[8] hui xia*, gang tang , dapeng hao, and zhipeng xun, universal behaviour of (2 1)- dimensional stochastic equations for epitaxial growth processes, journal of statistical physics 149, 1086 (2012). (sci区)
[7] leiming zhang (研究生) and hui xia, the effects of point-defects on the dynamic scaling of growing surfaces, acta physica sinica 61, 186801 (2012). (sci)
[6] hui xia*, gang tang, jingjie ma, dapeng hao, and zhipeng xun, scaling behaviour of the time-fractional kardar-parisi-zhang equation, journal of physics a 44, 275003 (2011). (sci, jcr q1区)
[5] gang tang*, hui xia* (通讯作者), dapeng hao, zhipeng xun, rongji wen, yuling chen, evidence for anomalous scaling behaviour of molecular-beam epitaxy growth equation, chinese physics b 20, 036402 (2011)
[4] hui xia, gang tang*, kui han, dapeng hao, zhipeng xun, scaling behavior of the time-fractional equations for molecular-beam epitaxy growth: scaling analysis versus numerical stimulations, european physical journal b 71, 237 (2009). (sci)
[3] hui xia, gang tang*, zhipeng xun, yifan li, anomalous dynamic scaling of the non-local growth equations, physica a 388, 1399 (2009). (sci)
[2] hui xia, gang tang*, yifan li. anomalous scaling of surface growth equations with spatially and temporally correlated noise, communication in theoretical physics 50, 227 (2008) . (sci)
[1] hui xia, gang tang*, kui han, dapeng hao, hua chen, leiming zhang. scaling approach to anomalous surface roughening of the d 1 dimensional molecular-beam epitaxy growth equations, modern physics letters b 20,1935 (2006). (sci)
夏辉,寻之朋,《表面粗化生长动力学标度行为的理论研究》, isbn 978-7-5646-2528-3,中国矿业大学出版社, 2014.11
1. 中国矿业大学百佳本科教学教师奖(2014.11);
2. 中国矿业大学首届大学生物理学术竞赛最佳指导教师(2014.5);
3. 江苏高校教师基础物理讲课比赛二等奖(2009.5);
4. 先后三次荣获校级优秀教学(质量)奖(2003, 2007, 2009年度);
5. 先后两次荣获校级优秀班主任(2005, 2009年度);
6. 中国矿业大学科技进步一等奖, 表面界面粗糙化生长动力学的理论研究 (2003.11);
7. 中国矿业大学科技进步二等奖, 非平衡系统的统计性质及动力学行为的研究 (2006.11);
8. 第六届全国统计物理与复杂系统学术会议暨海峡两岸统计物理会议最佳poster奖(2021.8);
1. 中国矿业大学教书育人先进个人;
2. 中国矿业大学优秀青年骨干教师;
3. 中国矿业大学优秀教职工;
4. 清华大学优秀访问学者;
5. 中国矿业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师;